- We, as representatives of the people of the City of Lyons express our strong commitment to the promotion of renewable energy and to the increase of the share of renewable energy sources as part of the global total primary energy supply. We fully support the responsible development of the renewable resources available to us in Lyons and in Nebraska.
- Increasing the use of renewable energy is an essential element to achieve sustainable development at a local, national and global level. Renewable energy can provide important new ways to reduce pollution, diversify and secure energy supply and help provide access to energy in support of our rural, agricultural based economy.
- We commit ourselves to cooperate in the further development and promotion of renewable energy technologies. Recognizing the sense of urgency in the face of skyrocketing energy costs, we will work together to increase the presence of renewable energy in our community while decreasing our consumption of traditional resources. The city will conduct a regular review of progress and make findings available to citizens.
- We will adopt targets for the increased consumption of renewable energy in our community and we encourage other communities across Nebraska to do likewise. We are convinced that this will help to implement the necessary policies to deliver a substantial increase in the available share of renewable energy sources. Such targets are important tools to guide investment and develop the market for renewable energy technologies.
- We commit ourselves to working with others to achieve this goal, and to establish partnership initiatives with private industry which will contribute to expanding the use of renewable energy, as well as driving economic growth in rural areas where renewable resources abound.